Open your heart to believe the story is not over.
Yesterday for Easter as we did home church, we listened to a talk that helped me to shift the way I was feeling about all of the unknowns. All of the change. All of the questions. The talk was a gentle reminder that this story is not over. It’s important to be honest about the pain, and the disorientation, the loss and the fear. But inside of that, can we still open our hearts to believe the story is not over? To know the pain of the world and believe there is more to be written? Story telling has always been a powerful way of communication. We live our stories as much with our actions as our words. If I am the author of my own story, how do I want the heroine to act in this moment of crisis? How am I responding to conflict, or boredom or change? Am I choosing hope? Love? Grace? Peace? Am I choosing restorative love? I sat down this morning and realized that I get to choose to believe the story is not over. I get to chose to see the reality of what is going on write my own heroines journey. And tomorrow I get to do it all over again. Because the story isn’t over. And that gives me hope in the endless possibilities of today. #butterflyeffect